Seeding a New Nonprofit Center Community
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to provide a rent-free home to these crucial partners in the newly renovated SCNP Palo Alto Center. Beyond providing in-kind rent, each of our nonprofit centers is a thriving and interconnected community hub, where our nonprofit tenants are able to leverage the power of co-location in the service of their missions. While our Centers have not fully reopened, Palo Alto tenants have been moving into their new homes and we look forward to celebrating their arrival with you in the not-too-distant future.
New Tenants and their missions:
Alta Housing: Alta Housing’s (formerly Palo Alto Housing) mission is to create stronger, more diverse communities by providing and maintaining high-quality, affordable housing where individuals and families thrive.
East Palo Alto Academy Foundation (EPAAF): EPAAF advocates for, advances, and raises funds for the students and college-attending graduates of East Palo Alto Academy (EPAA), a public charter high school serving first-generation, low-income (FLI) youth of East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven area of Menlo Park.
East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring (EPATT): EPATT’s mission is to change the life trajectory of local youth and their families through academic support, parent empowerment, and tennis instruction.
Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP): EHP’s mission is to provide compassionate, dignified and practical assistance to families and individuals experiencing economic and personal hardship. They offer material help, support services, and advocacy for our neighbors in need, in a challenging and rapidly changing environment.
Friends for Youth: Friends for Youth’s mission is to positively impact the health and wellbeing of disadvantaged youth through early intervention and prevention. They fulfill their mission by establishing, supporting, monitoring, and nurturing mentoring relationships between youth most at-risk and thoroughly screened and trained adult volunteers.
Housing Choices: Housing Choices’ mission is to create quality, affordable housing opportunities for people with developmental and other disabilities by supporting their inclusion in typical affordable rental housing developed by our community’s affordable housing developers.
Housing Industry Foundation (HIF): HIF’s mission is to help individuals and families remain in or return to stable housing through its Homeless Prevention Programs including emergency assistance grants, shelter renovations and affordable housing initiatives.
Kara: Kara's mission is to provide grief support to children, teens, families and adults. Their vision is to see people of all ages compassionately supported on their journey through grief so they can move toward renewed hope and meaning.
Peninsula Family Connections: The mission of Peninsula Family Connections is to create the highest quality family learning community so underserved children and parents together become the drivers of their own success.
San Francisco 49ers Academy: The 49ers Academy provides adolescent students with a community of support that empowers them to be engaged in school, to reach their full potential, and achieve academic and personal success in middle school, high and beyond.