Silicon Valley Give Lists
We have joined the David & Lucile Packard, Grove, Heising-Simons, Sand Hill, and Sunlight Giving Foundations in supporting the launch of Magnify Community's Silicon Valley Give Lists — curated lists of local nonprofits who are effectively tackling some of our community's most intractable challenges.
The Silicon Valley Give Lists initiative is part of a broader Magnify Community effort to help donors identify local giving opportunities. These lists are intended to provide a rapid “on-ramp” to local giving for donors who would be interested in giving more in their backyard, but aren’t sure where to start and don’t have time to engage in exhaustive research on local organizations and issues on their own. The lists are not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to serve as an entry point.
Each Silicon Valley Give List is organized around a common theme. The initial lists are focused on:
- Housing and Homelessness
- Essential Needs
- Impact Lab/Data-driven (cross-issue)
- Social Justice (cross-issue)
We are deeply proud of our partnerships with the nonprofits featured in this initial pilot and we look forward to supporting the expansion of this promising initiative as more philanthropists become involved.