Cornerstone donation by John & Sue Sobrato for construction of Sobrato Pavilion at Valley Medical Center
Our People
The Sobrato Organization Leadership
John Albert SobratoBoard Chair Emeritus, The Sobrato Organization; Board Chair Emeritus, Sobrato Family Foundation
John Michael SobratoBoard Chair, The Sobrato Organization
Tony MestresChief Executive Officer
Alexa Cortés CulwellChief Impact Officer, The Sobrato Organization; President, Sobrato Philanthropies
Chad FromanCo-Chief Real Estate Officer
Tamara LewisChief People Officer
Chase LymanCo-Chief Real Estate Officer
Christy RichardsonChief Investment Officer
D. ValentineChief Financial Officer
Sobrato Philanthropies Leadership
John Albert SobratoBoard Chair Emeritus, The Sobrato Organization; Board Chair Emeritus, Sobrato Family Foundation
Lisa Sobrato SonsiniChair, Sobrato Owners Council; Founding Board Chair, Sobrato Family Foundation
Alexa Cortés CulwellChief Impact Officer, The Sobrato Organization; President, Sobrato Philanthropies
Real Estate Development
Kevin MorrisVice President, Construction Management
Kaitlyn PoncettaDevelopment Analyst
Jeffrey SobratoDevelopment Manager
Tim SteeleSenior Vice President, Real Estate Development
Robert TersiniSenior Vice President, Real Estate and Development
Property Management
Shelle BarnesProperty Manager
Tony CallejasAssistant Property Manager, Sobrato Centers for Nonprofits
Josephine ChanSenior Property Manager
Lisa DarrowSenior Property Manager
Abby DizonAsset Manager, Multifamily
Rochelle DuenasReal Estate Operations Administrator
Hugo LeAssistant Property Manager
Elizabeth MeadowsVice President, Multifamily Asset Management
Taylor MezzinaAssistant Property Manager
Kurt PerezProperty Manager, Sobrato Centers for Nonprofits
Miisha SatoProperty Administrator
Grant ShimabukuroAsset Manager, Residential
Rayna SimpsonAssistant Property Manager, Sobrato Centers for Nonprofits
Mickey CarneySenior Project Manager
Jose Leon CornejoAssistant Superintendent
Jose CorreaSuperintendent
Holly DickinsonSenior Project Administrator
Ernesto HurtadoSuperintendent
Veronica LearmonthDirector, Construction Operations
Matthew Li MarziSenior Superintendent
Eli MastersonSuperintendent
Christine MinertSenior Project Manager
Jared MorenoProject Engineer
Destiny NelsonSenior Superintendent
Ken NguyenAssistant Project Manager
Aldo RamirezProject Engineer/Assistant Superintendent
Tom SchallVice President, Commercial Construction
Destiny SchneiderAssistant Project Manager
Dino SpaldingSenior Superintendent
Eric VanDusenVice President, Residential Construction
Sobrato Philanthropies
Rene CasasProgram OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Kailyn FitzGeraldSenior Program OfficerFamily Initiatives and New Opportunities
Leticia Gonzalez-RatchevProgram OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Maggie HobstetterDirector, Thriving RegionSilicon Valley Program
Camille Llanes-FontanillaVice President, Community Impact and Systems Change
Hana MaSenior Program OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Arby MarianoMonitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Analyst
Aundraya MartinezProgram OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Kassie McKinnisFinance and Grants Analyst
Robert MedinaDirector of Policy and Advocacy
Ben NeverasSenior Program OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Carlin Johnson PolitzerSenior Program OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Tamara RadcliffeSenior Grants Manager
Olena RandallPhilanthropy PartnerSilicon Valley Program
Evelyn RobinsonPhilanthropy PartnerSilicon Valley Program
Zelica Rodriguez-DeamsDirector, Thriving CommunitiesSilicon Valley Program
Claudine del RosarioSenior Program OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Karla RuizSenior Program OfficerEnglish Learners Program
Cath SmithDirector of Finance and Operations
John Matthew SobratoDirector, Impact & Learning
Patrick TaylorDirector, Grants Management
Yeshi TekleMichaelGrants Manager
Kayla TolentinoProgram OfficerSilicon Valley Program
Jenny UchidaVice President, Finance and Operations
Remy-Anne ViajarDirector, Social Purpose Real EstateSilicon Valley Program
Kayla WellsPhilanthropy PartnerSilicon Valley Program
Sobrato Capital
Adam DominikInvestment Director
Victoria FramManaging Director of Impact Investments
Abeda IqbalInvestment AssociateImpact Investment
Riley SasakiInvestment Operations Associate
Krishna Thaker SchaffInvestment Director
Caroline YarboroughInvestment AssociateImpact Investment
Enterprise Operations
Sanem “Sam” AlkanSenior Impact Officer
Ixora Aristigueta-BecerraVice President, People and Workplace Experience
Sophia ChengDirector, Family Services
Peggy ChiangSenior Accounts Payable Accountant
Luigi Di GrandeIT Director
Elaine DuSenior Accountant
Jennifer EmmettExecutive Assistant
Mia FrondaAdministrative Services Coordinator
Lisa GiblinVice President, Communications
Jason KulishPeople Operations Manager
Teona KurdadzeGeneral Ledger Accountant/Property Accountant
Victoria LongmuirAccountant
Veena MahadevanVice President Controller
Melissa “M” O’BrienDirector, Workplace Experience
Jamie ParsonsSenior Financial Analyst
Katie PettewayTax Accounting Manager
Bhagyashree RaoRaneExecutive Business Partner
Smita SinghSenior Accounting Manager
Kailie TainaTalent Management Coordinator
Drew TeufelVice President Corporate Finance
Kate WilkinsonVice President, Strategy and Integration